viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Changes for African Americans

Slavery didn't seem compativle with the ideals of the revoluton. In 1776, one of every 5 americans was an african ancestor. The major part of the africans were ensalved at the time and they had many problems with the congress because slaves were not allowed to vote. Loyalists and british thought that the patriots were being hipocrite by talking about freedom, but still holding slaves. Revolution inspired many slaves to demand freedom. They started to petition legislation for emancipation in the northern states. Some slaves even sued their owners in the courts. About 5,000 slaves joined the patriot's militia, and others would join the Continental Navy in return to freedom.

In the South, they feared black people. They thought that they were a threat to slavery. at least 50,000 of them escaped and joined the british. Revolution lead to emancipation in the north. About 1/3 of the population in the south were slaved, while in the north, they were about 5%. Many northerners also freed their slaves, but emancipation failed in the south. In Maryland and Virginia, some planters freed their slaves volunterely. This was called manumission.After the year 1800, southern states passed laws to discourage manumission, because they feared that the black people being freed, would want to come back and take revenge on the owners. By 1810, about 20,000 slaves were freed, including the 300 slaves freed by George Washington.

The greatest effect of the revolution was the spread of the idea of liberty both at home and abroad. Over the next 3 centuries, the patriots principles inspired revolution around the world. Revolution ended in 1783, and the French Revolution in 1789. European republics cited american presedent to overthrow king and aristocrats. In the 19th century, independent republics emerged throughout Latin America. During the 20th century, Africans and Asians began national liberation movements.

The most curious of it all, is that Thomas Paine actually predicted that the revolution would change the world! 

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