viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

The Continental Army Faces Challenges

After many battles, wars, fighting, the Continental Army started facing challenges. In Pennsylvania, They spent a harsh winter. They did not have enough supplies or food and they suffered from hunger and cold. Washington reported that 1/3 of his 10,000 men did not have shoes or clothes.  This happenned in Valley Forge. Washington was very preoccupied, because he did not know what to do with his army. He wrotye on his diary that he had two choices, either he dispersed his army, or break it down once and for all; or else, they would die of hunger. But before he could make a desition, the soldiers improved with the help of a german called Baron Von Steuben. He taught them to survive and made them work to impose discipline on them. 

In June 1778, the British marched from Philadelphia into New Jersey, and on their way, they encountered the Continental Amy at Monmouth, where the soldiers demonstrated that they had improved their skills. Even though the British had won many battles, they had little to show, because the only city they had was New York. 

Friedrich Wilhelm August Heinrich Ferdinand von Steuben (born Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben; September 17, 1730 – November 28, 1794), also referred to as the Baron von Steuben, was a Prussian-born military officer who served as inspector general and Major general of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He is credited with being one of the fathers of the Continental Army in teaching them the essentials of military drills, tactics, and disciplines. He wrote the Revolutionary War Drill Manual, the book that served as the standard United States drill manual until the War of 1812. He served as General George Washington's chief of staff in the final years of the war.


The frontier war began because of the procalamation of 1763, that started about for the Seven Year War. the proclamation was a treaty made by the king, that did not allow the expansion of land beyond the Appalatian Mountains. In the treaty, the king ordered the indians to remain west of the Appalatian Mountains. Pontiac's Rebellion inflicted a lot in this. To defy the proclamation, the indians started settling to the Appalatian Mountains, so in the year 1770, they settled west, which led to the outbreak of the war. This leaded them to claim more american land. 

Many of the indians started siding with the British, who had promised to keep the colonies to the east. The british were making the native americans attack the colonial settlers. The white settlers were killing the native americans for their land. They would always make truces, but never really kept them. it was all a cycle were they made them, broke them, made them again, broke them again. These men could never keep a promise! The war then moves to the west.

Spring 1778, in the north-west, Colonel George Rogers Clark led the patriot's militia to a fight gainst the British, He took over the settlements of Kaskajia and Cahokia. Clarck had 175 soldiers, and by later summer, the got help of some french settlers and captured all the British posts in that area. They captured Vincennes, but a few months later, the british recaptured it. In february 1774, Clarck and his men reached Vincennes again, and were trying to convince the native americans to abandon their british allies. By the end of the war, the patriot's boundary allowed the Americans to claim the Ohio River Valley. At the same time, in New York, native americans and British forces attacked many froentier posts. In response, the patriot's burned 40 Iroquois towns, which destroyed the power that their nation used to posses. Indians continued their attacks to the settlers, ones that left deadly effects. 

Now, to relax a little bit from all these wars and battles, I'll show you something that may be completely out of the topic, but it's actually sort of interesting:

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