viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Colonists Unite Against Hard Measures

Ok, so you read about the Boston Tea Party. This caused a lot of damage. and the Parliament passed the Coercive Acts, because they decided that Boston had to be punished for their actions. These acts were also called the Intolerable Acts, since colonists were not planning on tolerating them.
The Intolerable Acts included:
  • Boston Port Act
  • Quartering Act
  • Administration of Justice Act
  • Quebec Act
  • Massachusets Government Act
The Boston Port Act consisted of closing all the port facilities, until the colonists urged to obey and payed back the destroyed tea and the damage they caused to the custom offices.
The Administration of Justice Act forced the colonists to house the British troops and also alow them to be trialed in England. British soldiers did not mind taking advantage of the colonists at all. 
The Massachusets Government Act was the hardest of all, in my opinion, since it provided a greater amount of royal control. The crown had to control every movement that the colonists did. They could not even have town meetings unless they were aproved by the governor. Very harsh.

The colonists, as you should have figured out by now, were very stubborn. You can imagine how they reacted  with all of these acts. They were violent, they used weapoms and they were trying to force the courts of laws to shut down. They assaulted every person that worked for the government, and everyone that was looking forward to obbeying the Parliament. They started using their old ways, like tarring and feathering. remember?

In 1774, all the colonies but Georgia, met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This was their first Continental Congress. This is when the famous Patrick Henry gave his outstanding speech. I think you may have heard this phrase many times:

They were establishing another boycott. Their plan was to create a new government that they would elect, and the only government that they would obey. Since there was a lot of common people working in the governement, the rangs were expanded, and new jobs were open.
John Adams helped a lot in the process of independence. he decided that he lived in a new country named America and he believed that colonists could unite to defeat the British. He would always encourage the colonists and tried to mantain unity between them.


Patrick Henry was recognized by his Virginia contemporaries as "the man who gave the first impulse to the ball of revolution." Born at Studley plantation in Hanover County, Virginia, on May 29, l736, Henry received most of his education from his father, who had attended King's College of Aberdeen.

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